Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India (projected to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030) and the most widely spoken language in South Asia. It is also the language of a long literary tradition, both in modern prose and poetry, as well as pre-modern secular and devotional poetry. It is also a tremendously important language strategically in South Asia.In their basic form Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts.
After one year of instruction, you could go to India or Pakistan and talk about yourself, where you were born, where you grew up, what you do, your interests and your attraction to South Asia and South Asian languages. Each lesson builds on previous lessons in a systematic way to allow the absorption of vocabulary words in an organic manner, while reinforcing grammatical structures. The text is accompanied by a CD as well, and a supplementary text introduces Urdu script quickly and painlessly. Films are also shown occasionally in class to reinforce the structures and idiomatic expressions that are being taught. It is also very closely related to the scripts employed to write Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Oriya among others. I can only shake my head when people proudly announce that their native language is the most difficult in the world.
I am pleased to announce that there IS no most difficult language – only language difficulty relative to a learner's native language. And if you think that the difficulty of your native language can be used to measure your intelligence, you are sadly misguided and in desperate of attention. I taught English in Japan for a year but can't say "boo" in Japanese, not because I wasn't smart enough to acquire it. Rather, I had no friends/significant others who made it worth my time to study it. All my friends were English and Chinese speakers, and my Chinese improved while living in Japan! Tamil is a Dravidian language, which would be significantly less difficult to learn for speakers of languages from the same family.
Farsi comes from the Indo-Iranian branch of languages, so speakers of Dari already speak Farsi, too. Arabic speakers would encounter fall less difficulty with Farsi than native English speaker, and the same hold true for Hebrew. Stop kidding yourselves people, and stop embarrassing yourselves with pronouncements of self-ascribed brilliance simply because you have a mother tongue. Anyone marinated in a language from childhood can't but learn to speak that language. There's a difference between learning language and learning words. While you can pick up some basics for free online, parroting phrases won't help you to build towards speaking a language with confidence.
To have a successful language learning experience, you'll need more robust tools that allow you to practice speaking and provide feedback on your pronunciation. Generally, most free online tools offer units of vocabulary and grammar rules without the ability to contextualize your learning or get interactive feedback. Every language learning journey is different however because every learner is different. There are also features that provide enrichment, like the Stories option where you read aloud while listening to native speakers. No matter how you learn best, Rosetta Stone can help.
Thank you for this excellent article and pointing out the lack of good teaching tools for learning Urdu as a second language. I think the point you make about racist and discriminatory content in Urdu teaching tools is also very important - I wonder how we can change this systematically. I think the Government has an important role to play. Frankly even students in Pakistan have a very hard time learning Urdu.
Many homes in Pakistan use Urdu as a second or third language. So children find it very difficult to learn written and conversational Urdu because they speak another regional language at home, or English. This means that if they attend an English medium school, they learn Urdu during only one period every day or couple of days. And Urdu is in fact a difficult language, with grammar rules that change for different situations, and a lot of nuances of meaning.
Not only are there few textbooks, there is also a dearth of child appropriate content in Urdu. TV dramas constantly reinforce the damsel in distress, and are not stories always of interest to children. There is an improvement in children's books in Urdu - but I think there is a need for more fiction appropriate for children. I hope somehow we can keep our deep and beautiful language alive. The idiom that practice makes perfect is particularly true when it comes to language learning.
The single most important thing you can do to be successful in learning a new language is simply to make practicing and speaking part of your daily routine. Seek out immersive experiences in the language you are learning, like listening to podcasts or TV shows with the subtitles off. And find ways to engage native speakers, whether in person or online. In addition to Live Tutoring, Rosetta Stone also has a community of language learners online where you can practice chatting and get feedback. If you're looking to learn a language, the lack of feedback and interaction may have been one of your hesitations in opting for an online language learning experience. To be successful, language experts suggest finding a quality program that emphasizes not just learning vocabulary and grammar rules but speaking the language and practicing pronunciation.
In other words, to build your confidence as a language learner, you need to know not only what to say but how to say it like a local. After all, there's no point knowing the words if you can't speak and understand them in conversations. There is no absolute answer to which language is the "easiest" or "most difficult," because every learner is different. A native English speaker will have a harder time learning Italian than a native Spanish speaker, since the two Romance languages are closely related.
And some people find pronunciation in a tonal language like Vietnamese difficult, while others adapt easily. The FSI difficulty measurements are also a bit confusing based on the "speak/read" requirement. Mandarin grammar is not nearly as complicated as that of some European languages, but the complexity of the Chinese writing system puts it in the highest category.
Many online language learning apps will promise that you can learn a language in just a few minutes a day. However, there is a significant difference between memorizing vocabulary lists and speaking a language with confidence. Learning a language is about more than just the words. One of the mistakes new language learners make is treating language as an object or an end goal instead of as an experience. Indian Origin or Pakistani Origin - what difference does that make if the objective is to help non-native speakers learn the language.
Choices should be based on what is best for the students not what the origin is. But, if the objective is to establish more Pakistani presence, it would be best to start the process at grass roots level inside Pakistan so there are more scholars available in due course of time. Also, it would help Pakistan if they could start exchange programs with citadels of Urdu in India such as Lucknow, Aligarh, Hyderabad and many others. So, you wanna learn urdu just for impress him and his family. Then you don't really have to learn urdu language just learn some words🙂even if foreigners Says "Dill Dill pakistan🇵🇰Jan Jan pakistan🇵🇰". Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India and the most widely spoken language in South Asia.
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, one of the official languages of India, and a tremendously important strategic language in South Asia. With a common vocabulary and grammar, in their basic form, Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts. Due to its completely different writing script, Urdu tends to be a struggle for native English-speakers and Europeans, especially when they first start learning. Conversely, Arabic and Persian natives will find Urdu much easier to master. This is because the Urdu language contains a handful of words from these two languages, as well as Punjabi, Pashto, Turkish, Sindhi, Sanskrit, etc.
This particularity of the Urdu language provides speakers of these other languages with a fairly easy Urdu-learning experience. In this episode, you'll learn 10 of the most common pronunciation challenges Urdu and Hindi speakers face when speaking English. You'll also learn how to pronounce the sounds, and how to practice your American accent effectively. Mispronunciations happen when a sound in the target language, in this case, English, doesn't exist in the speaker's native tongue (Hindi-Urdu).
When this happens, speakers tend to pronounce a different sound that does exist in their language. Scroll down to read about each challenge and download the FREE English Pronunciation guide for Hindi and Urdu speakers. Rosetta Stone will get you speaking the language from the very first lesson with a patented speech recognition engine called TruAccent®. By comparing your voice to thousands of native speakers, TruAccent gives you real-time feedback and enables you to fine-tune your accent and gets you speaking confidently in the real world. With enough practice, you may one day have the thrilling experience of being mistaken for a local. Knowing dozens of phrases or hundreds of words won't necessarily build the confidence you need to speak a language in real-world situations.
It doesn't help to spend hours drilling on vocabulary lists and verb conjugations if you can't speak the words when you need them. Language is a living thing and can sound entirely different in its everyday usage, where colloquialisms and accents may make it hard to understand and be understood by native speakers. The journey towards learning the Urdu Language online starts from memorizing Urdu alphabets and their pronunciations, cramming basic vocabulary, and basic grammar rules. However, spoken language skills are more focused on remembering short and crisp sentences to ensure fluency. So, Urdu grammar is taught for the elimination of errors while spoken Urdu removes the hesitation of the learning. Many Afghans, especially in cities, when speaking to foreigners they don't know, will use the more 'literary' way of speaking, as if they are speaking in public/giving a speech.
Most of the time you never hear that spoken — only written. Some of the common phrasebooks even have the more 'book' like words in them, even though in practice no-one talks that way. In any case, the bottom line is that one sometimes feels as though he is learning two languages/dialects at the same time. Depending upon your needs, you can also buy collegiate level Hindi language textbooks online and self-study with dedication is a viable choice for many aspiring learners. Language exchange online with native speakers and other students is a priceless tool with enhancing and fine-tuning the craft already learned.
A great language exchange site and app to download to your devices include Italki. You can download free language-learning applications to your phone. Depending on the app you choose, you can gain a lot of progress towards fluency using these applications. There are audio systems that focus on speaking and understanding Hindi and computer software with diverse learning platforms. When it comes to immersion, traveling is cheaper and easier than ever. And being surrounded by native speakers is a great way to learn.
Not only are there many numbers of Indians and speakers of Hindi in India, but globalization has spread them all over the world. British colonization of India in the past helped connect the West to the East, inspiring cultural transcendence. That has made it easier for Westerners to adapt to Indian culture and for Western culture to blend with India's. As a result, many Indians live in the UK, the US, Canada, and other places all over the world. And this makes it particularly easy to interact with and practice learning the Hindi language with native speakers. When it comes to reading and writing, Urdu can be difficult on a whole new level.
If your native language uses an Arabic based script , it will be much easier to understand how Urdu is written. In American English, only content words are stressed. And not all content words – only the content words that help you deliver the message. And when many words are stressed, it's hard to figure out what you're trying to say. What exactly your point is, what is the main message?
And it takes a little longer for the person to process what it is that you're saying. Or it also might create confusion or a misinterpretation. Because they might interpret it the way they see it and not how you meant it to be and sound. Because again, we think that we're doing something, but we're using the patterns of our native language. And then it might be perceived as different by listeners who don't speak the same language as we do.
Perhaps you've hesitated to learn a new language because you're worried about the time commitment. Or maybe you've heard it's more difficult to learn a language as an adult. Bilingua connects you with native speakers who share your interests or personality to help you learn a foreign language online and speak with confidence. Learn and practise English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese and more languages with Bilingua – it's fun, free and effective. Talking is absolutely the most important part of learning a new language. After all, what's the point of speaking a language if you can't speak to people?
Speaking to friends who are native speakers of Urdu or Hindi can help you pick up on the way the language is actually spoken. It can help you catch all those little nuances that your grammar book just can't explain. Both have been highly influenced by Persian, Arabic, and Turkic. They have similar grammar systems and most speakers of one can understand speakers of the other. They also have incredibly different systems of writing.
So even though speakers of both languages can speak to each other, they may not be able to read the signs in the other country. Because they are so similar when spoken, many people who speak Hindi speak Urdu, and vice versa. That makes these two languages perfect for tandem learning! So here's some tips on how to polish your Urdu or Hindi skills. When it comes to reading and writing, the characters are foreign and exotic looking. This wouldn't be the case for a native Spanish speaker learning English, however.
That's why many linguist experts consider Hindi to be one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn. But with great work and determination, there are great rewards. And this is also true for tackling the challenge of becoming fluent in Hindi. Some languages have similarities with others and may not be as difficult when trying to learn one.
For instance, if a native Italian speaker wants to learn how to speak Spanish. Or, if a Chinese person wants to learn Cantonese and their native tongue is Mandarin. Their language learning journies have languages with similar origins, words, culture, and writing characters. So, their path is much easier, faster, and with less culture shock.
It's very likely that you'll find some aspects of the language quite difficult and others much easier—this is normal when you start learning a language. Hindi, one of the official languages of the Indian government, is spoken by 460 million native speakers. Overall, 650 million people speak Hindi across the world. UrduPod101.com focuses on all aspects of the language so you'll never be left out in the cold!
Each of our lessons contains material to help you improve your Urdu listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills at the same time. This feature makes us a unique hub of Urdu language-learning and distinguishes us from other online resources. A great tip here would be to put your palm in front of your face and to feel the air coming out continuously. Do it again and again, until you feel that the tongue starts to relax a bit and to allow the air to flow out.
In terms of the position of the tongue, that's going to be easy for you. For some speakers, it's so hard to even bring the tip of the tongue out. It's just about the tension and understanding that the sound is continuous, rather than a stop sound. And again, you'll find all the drills, and the words, and everything in the pronunciation guide. Speaking a language is vital to building confidence and helping to cement concepts.